Trekking Gunung Gede Pangrango National Park, West Java 2D1N
Trekking Gunung Gede Pangrango National Park, West Java 2D1N
2 hari
- Trekking to Gede Pangrango National Park
- Bird Watching and Other Wildlife Animals
- Visiting Blue Lake
- Enjoying Cibeureum Waterfalls and Hot Springs
- Across Suryakencana Meadow and See Edelweiss Flowers
Travel Marketplace, YOEXPLORE – Mount Gede Pangrango National Park located in three districts, namely, Bogor, Cianjur and Sukabumi, West Java, Indonesia. And, it is one of Biosphere Reserve which covers a huge mountainous rainforest covering 22,000 hectares land. As indicated in its name, the Park is surrounded by two mountains, Gede Mountain and Pangrango Mountain. Moreover, it is rich with rare flora and animal species. Approximately, there are 870 plantation species and 150 animal species as well as 200 forest orchid species.
The main entrance gate to Gunung Gede Pangrango National Park located at Cianjur District. It is not too far from Jakarta, around 50 km with good road access condition. As part of our services, we provide pick up service with a private vehicle. The meeting point could be at the hotel around Jakarta or Bogor City. So, let’s check below things that we could explore during Trekking to Gunung Gede Pangrango National Park:
Exploring Gunung Gede Pangrango National Park
1. Blue Lake
Firstly, after walking around 30 minutes from the entering gate, you should see Telaga Biru or Blue Lake. Covering 5 hectares area, the blue color originated from the blue algae which cover the water. However, the color sometimes changes to green or red depends on the algae growth cycle. Then, continue to walk, we shall see Gayonggong Swamp and Panyacangan Swamp. Take time for a selfie. Next, we shall reach Cibeureum Waterfall.
2. Cibereuem Waterfall and Natural Hot Springs
The height of Cibeureum Waterfall is about 50 meters. Cibeureum in a local word means red water and it refers to red moss that grows only at the Park. Then, another attractive spot that we could enjoy is natural hot springs.
3.Kandang Batu and Kandang Badak Camping Site
Gunung Gede Pangrango National Park provides an area for a camping ground, namely Kandang Batu and Kandang Badak. In addition, visitors could enjoy birds watching and observe rare plantation species. You may see Javan Scops Owl, Sunda Woodcock, Dove, and many others.
4. The Best Panorama at Mount Gede’s Peaks and Craters
The best spot to enjoy the panorama of Bogor City, Cianjur, and Sukabumi.
5. Surya Kencana Meadow and Edelweiss Flowers
Finally, you shall reach Suryakencana Meadow, in the height of 2,750 meters above the sea level. It is a savanna area of about 50 hectares. It covered mostly with grassland and edelweiss flowers. This spot is also the favorite place for camping.
Would like to try other ecotourism tours whose locations not too far from Jakarta? You could try Flower Park at Cianjur or Safari Garden Park.
camera, rain jackets, waterproof trekking shoes, comfortable dress, personal medicines, etc
- Air Mineral 1 Botol/Hari/Orang
- English Speaking Driver
- Equipment for hiking and camping
- Pick Up/Delivery Hotel
- Private Vehicle
- Professional Mountain Guide
- Breakfast
- Dinner
- Entrance Fee
- Lunch
- Parking Fee
AccommodationsAdditional ToursFlight Tickets (Round Trip) + Airport TaxPersonal ExpensesVisa Fee
Child: from 4 until 11 years old

- Hotel around Jakarta
Jakarta, Indonesia - Hotel around Bogor
Bogor, West Java, Indonesia
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